

更新时间:2024-01-13 21:27:54作者:留学之路

v. 厌恶;痛恨

detest 基本解释
vt. 憎恶,嫌恶,痛恨

速记技巧 词源词根法 de-,向下,强调。-test,见证,词源同attest,contest.即诅咒,召唤上帝来见证不共戴天的仇恨,极端憎恶,原词义通用化。 谐音记忆法 可用谐音法,谐音:the test。我最恨考试----深恶,憎恶。
detest相关的词根或词缀是: test


de 去掉,取消 + test 测试;证据 → 不愿〔出面〕作证 → 憎恶

词根词缀 词根 test(i)= to test, witness 测试;证据 attest v. 证明 at 加强 + test 测试;证据 → 一再测试 → 证明 contest v./n. 竞赛;争论 con 共同 + test 测试;证据 → 共同论证 → 争论 contestant n. 竞争者 contest 竞赛;争论 + ant 表人 → 竞争者 detest v. 憎恶 de 去掉,取消 + test 测试;证据 → 不愿〔出面〕作证 → 憎恶 protest v. 抗议;坚决声明 pro 在前 + test 测试;证据 → 在前面论证 → 坚决声明 → 引申为表示抗议 testify v. 证实 testi 测试;证据 + fy 使… → 用证据证明 → 证实 testimonial n. 证明书 testi 测试;证据 + mon 提醒 + ial …的 → 供提醒的证据 → 证明书 testimony n. 证据;证词 testi 测试;证据 + mony 表结果、状态 → 证据;证词
hate dislike can't stand despise can't bear loathe detest All these words mean to have a strong feeling of dislike for sb/sth. 以上各词均含厌恶、讨厌、憎恶之义。 hate to have a strong feeling of dislike for sb/sth 指厌恶、讨厌、憎恶。 注释 Although hate is generally a very strong verb, it is also commonly used in spoken or informal English to talk about people or things that you dislike in a less important way, for example a particular type of food. 尽管hate通常为语气较强的动词,但亦常用于口语或非正式英语中,无足轻重地谈论所讨厌的人或物,如某种食物等: He hates violence in any form. 他憎恶任何形式的暴力。 I've always hated cabbage. 我从来都讨厌吃卷心菜。 dislike ( rather formal ) to not like sb/sth 指不喜爱、厌恶。 注释 Dislike is a rather formal word; it is less formal, and more usual, to say that you don't like sb/sth, especially in spoken English. dislike为相当正式的用语,don't like则较非正式,而且较常见,尤其在英语口语中: I don't like it when you phone me so late at night. 我不喜欢你夜里这么晚给我打电话。 can't stand ( rather informal ) used to emphasize that you really do not like sb/sth 强调不喜欢、受不了、不能容忍: I can't stand his brother. 他弟弟让我受不了。 She couldn't stand being kept waiting. 叫她等着,她会受不了。 despise to dislike and have no respect for sb/sth 指鄙视、蔑视、看不起: He despised himself for being so cowardly. 他为自己如此怯懦而自惭形秽。 can't bear used to say that you dislike sth so much that you cannot accept or deal with it 指无法承受、应付不了: I can't bear having cats in the house. 家里有猫我可受不了。 用can't stand还是can't bear? In many cases you can use either word, but can't bear is slightly stronger and slightly more formal than can't stand . 在许多情况下,两个短语可通用,但can't bear比can't stand语气稍强,而且较正式。 loathe to hate sb/sth very much 指极不喜欢、厌恶: They loathe each other. 他们相互讨厌。 注释 Loathe is generally an even stronger verb than hate , but it can also be used more informally to talk about less important things, meaning ‘re
detest 记忆方法
detest相关的词根或词缀是: test


de 去掉,取消 + test 测试;证据 → 不愿〔出面〕作证 → 憎恶

中文词源: detest 憎恶 de-, 向下,强调。-test, 见证,词源同attest, contest.即诅咒,召唤上帝来见证不共戴天的仇恨,极端憎恶,原词义通用化。 detest
1、 I detest those who deceive me.

Many national leaders heartily detest the european parliament .
It comes as no surprise that democrats detest mr scott 's budget .
I hate , despise , detest , and loathe the iphone keyboard .
But what they detest is the idea that it might let feckless italians and portuguese off the hook .
The french and now the chinese desire exchange rate stability but detest the inevitable result : an open-ended commitment to buying as many dollars as the us creates .




2021-07-14 15:37


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2021-06-23 13:43

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四门考试都是出国留学用途的考试,但侧重对象不同。 1. 托福和雅思是英语语言测试,托福一般应用在美国和加拿大学校的申请中,满分为100分,雅思一般用在英国、澳大利亚、新西兰等

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2021-06-20 15:58


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