

更新时间:2024-01-13 22:10:47作者:留学之路

adj. 愉快的;欢乐的;宜人的
adv. 很;非常

jolly 基本解释
adj. 快活的;兴高采烈的;愉快的;有趣的
adv. 很;非常
vt. 使高兴,使愉快;打趣
vi. 开玩笑;作乐
n. 寻欢作乐;奉承,逢迎;皇家陆战队兵士;老富豪

速记技巧 词源记忆法 来自古法语jolif,节日,欢乐。词源不确定,可能来自古诺斯语jol,冬天的节日,词源同Yule,yuletide.或来自拉丁语gaudere,享受,愉悦,词源同gaudy,enjoy. 谐音记忆法 还可谐音:轿里,轿里是欢乐的新娘子。

短语动词 短语动词 习语 查看更多 以下资源来自牛津词典 jolly sb along (用愉快的方式)鼓励某人 to encourage sb in a cheerful way jolly sb into sth/into doing sth 哄着某人做某事 to persuade or encourage sb to do sth by making them feel happy about it jolly sb/sth up 使更有生气;使更快活 to make sb/sth more cheerful 收起 adv. jolly good! (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) (赞同别人说的话)非常好,太好了 used to show that you approve of sth that sb has just said jolly well (old-fashioned, BrE) (生气时用以加强语气)当然,无疑,必然 used to emphasize a statement when you are annoyed about sth If you don't come now, you can jolly well walk home! 你要是还不来,那就步行回家吧! n. get your jollies (informal) 玩个痛快;作乐;尽情享乐 to get pleasure or have fun
cheerful bright cheery jolly merry in a good mood All these words describe people who feel happy and show this in their behaviour. 以上各词均形容人快乐的心情和这种心情的表露。 cheerful happy and showing it in your behaviour or expression 指快乐的、高兴的、兴高采烈的: a cheerful, hard-working employee 快快乐乐、勤奋工作的雇员 bright (of a person or their expression) cheerful and lively 指人或神色快活而生气勃勃: He felt bright and cheerful and full of energy. 他感到兴高采烈,浑身充满活力。 用cheerful还是bright? When describing people, bright is used in the phrase bright and cheerful or after the verbs be/feel . 形容人时,bright用于bright and cheerful短语中或动词be/feel之后: I was not feeling very bright that morning. 我那天早上心情不是很欢快。 You can say a cheerful boy/girl but a bright boy/girl is intelligent, not cheerful. 表示快乐的男孩 / 女孩可用cheerful boy/girl;bright boy/girl指男孩 / 女孩聪明,而不是指欢快。 cheery ( informal ) (of a person or their manner) cheerful 指人或举止欢快起劲: The telephonist at the other end was cheery and casual. 那一端的接线员欢快而轻松。 jolly ( rather informal ) (of a person or their manner) cheerful 指人或举止高兴的、兴高采烈的: The manager was fat and jolly. 经理胖乎乎乐呵呵的。 merry ( literary ) (of a person or their manner) cheerful 指人或举止欢乐: A merry crowd of villagers watched the proceedings. 一群兴高采烈的村民观看了仪式。 用cheery、jolly还是merry? All these words describe sb's manner, appearance or behaviour more than their inner feelings. Jolly and merry can sound slightly old-fashioned. Jolly people are often large and fat; cheery people can be any shape or size. 以上各词均形容人的举止、外表或行为而非他们的内心感受。jolly和merry听起来稍显过时。jolly通常用于体型肥大的人,cheery可用于任何体型的人。 in a good mood (of a person) feeling happy so that you behave well to other people, usually because sth good has happened to you 指人心情、情绪好: He was not in a good mood that day. 他那天心情不好。 常用搭配 to be cheerful / bright / cheer
jolly 变化形式
复数: jollies
第三人称单数: jollies
过去式: jollied
过去分词: jollied
现在分词: jollying
比较级: jollier
最高级: jolliest
易混淆的单词: Jolly

中文词源: jolly 欢乐的 来自古法语jolif,节日,欢乐。词源不确定,可能来自古诺斯语jol,冬天的节日,词源同Yule,yuletide.或来自拉丁语gaudere,享受,愉悦,词源同gaudy,enjoy. jolly
1、 She had a very jolly time in Korea.
2、 Paddy was always cheerful and jolly.

So the talkative , jolly toddler has to live at a local nursery boarding school from sunday evening to saturday morning .
Those who have been axed don 't need to take the sacking personally , and not working in the days before christmas can be rather jolly .
It shows a jolly company of teenagers , all in the top hats and cravats of the time , preparing to picnic at the end of a shoot .
Whatever he is called , he is still the same short , fat , jolly old man with a long beard , wearing a red suit with white fur .
Indeed , the protests were surprisingly jolly and gentle at the start , to the relief of bangkokians who remembered the april 2009 unrest .



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2021-06-02 16:27


1、GRE的查分具体步骤,可以到GRE官网查询分数,具体按照下面第4条的步骤操作。 2、在GRE官网上注册的考生,不用重新注册,可以拿报名时候的NEEA ID登录。 3、考试注册号,是考生完

2021-05-30 20:12


已经出来了,我刚查过。进到教育部报名网站后点已注册考试,下面有一个查分的链接,是ETS官方的查分网,注册一下就能查了 GRE考试怎么报名? GRE(Graduate Record Examination),是美国

2021-05-30 18:43

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感谢您关注智课网(SmartStudy) GRE Subject Test即GRE专项考试,其测试内容为考试者在某一学科领域或专业领域内所获得的知识和技能以及能力水平的高低,从而帮助院校更好地了解

2021-05-30 15:10


如果打算申请美国前五十的学校,最低至少要考320分 下图是美国排名前100的学校的GRE分数的截图 GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用

2021-05-30 00:26


不用打印也不用带上,带上身份证就可以了。 GRE的分数: 分数区间 改革后数学为130-170,语文为130-170,写作为0-6分。最低130+130+0,最高170+170+6。 满分考生 中国大陆考生在Verba

2021-05-29 21:03
